A huge thank you to you
As a donor, we would like to send you a certificate. Not only a donation certificate, but above all, a builder’s certificate, attesting to your active participation in creating what tomorrow will be, and what today is already becoming.
If you would like to receive this certificate in your name, dated and signed, we invite you to fill out the short form below. For a donation of 1500 units of your currency (whichever it may be), we will be pleased to send you a certificate both in paper form and electronically (PDF). For a donation of a lesser amount, and to preserve our funds for our primary objectives, we will send you the same certificate, but only in electronic form. You can then print it yourself if you wish, or very easily have it printed from a USB drive, for example, at a copy shop or printer.
Once again, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for your collaboration.