Global epidemic
Opinions are divided, and the influence of the media plays a significant role. In any case, the facts are conclusive: COVID did not kill as many people as it should have.
We intervened, all things considered, but still, to prevent the virus from being truly deadly and the vaccine from being lethal. We made the choice not to disclose these points for the perennial same reason: the conspiracy theory (see bottom of page). Entire populations can revolt to remain in ignorance. Today, this issue seems to be resolved. People are open to knowledge. So, we are coming out from the hidden side of your daily life to explain what happened.

We discovered the truth in 2014. We placed the situation under surveillance and sabotaged the virus, making it equivalent to a flu or a bad cold, at least to make it nothing like the plague. Did you know that people die from the flu every year? Talking about people dying from COVID seems almost ridiculous in context, but let’s move on.
To prevent the initiators (business is business) of this epidemic from resorting to a contingency plan, among which we can mention, just to name a few: the raising of Australia for the exploitation of arable land that would have emerged but would have caused, in return, partial immersion of Africa and other undetermined consequences, a nuclear conflict that could have united all countries under a single governance, or even the so-called « Blue Beam Project » considered, wrongly, as impossible. The population was undoubtedly kept in the dark about these information. Only certain individuals or certain state or private intelligence services (including ours) were aware of it, for one reason or another. It is essential to keep in mind that the best way to control a population is to keep it in ignorance and steer its opinion. In addition to the obvious public health question, we made the choice to significantly mitigate the severity of the situation regarding the COVID, allowing people, in fact, to become aware of the absurdity of a campaign of public opinion manipulation (in this regard, the term “pandemic” is clearly abusive) based on easily verifiable facts that were clearly exaggerated, or even contrary to the official discourse. But many witnesses found themselves unable to testify due to the fear of losing credibility by being perceived as “conspiracy theorists”. If we had raised these issues earlier, we would simply have been rejected, and everyone knows, consciously or not, that we could have disappeared simply by opposing certain interests.
The moment had not yet come, but now we have a clear field. A direct confrontation with the holders of these interests is inconceivable. Therefore, we have acted with subtlety, on certain key elements of vulnerability and in a rigorously discreet manner.
In December 2019, the first cases of COVID were observed in Wuhan, China. In December 2020, just twelve months later, the first vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) were available. It’s… relatively fast when compared to the global epidemiological history (considering the advancements in science). We eventually managed to intervene directly at the vaccine production source to modify their composition, with the goal of reducing the viral load, and most importantly, the pathogenicity. We performed a substitution at the tank level using a neutral agent that had only one specificity: enabling the human body to undergo a form of “update” (which is often facilitated by natural “disease”) and repair major damage caused by biocides, especially those in food.

There have been deaths, just as some people die from heart failure, pneumonia, a bad fall, or a gunshot to the head. We are not God, but we actively collaborated to prevent the decimation of the world’s population, just as we had already intervened, with more success due to a simpler situation, in the early 2000s with avian flu (H5N1) and in 2009 with swine flu (H1N1), using radiation frequencies designed to induce a drastic drop in viral load and inhibit the ability of viruses to reproduce and spread.
The goal of the initiators of this social engineering strategy was to control the global population and bring it down to 500,000 individuals. It appears that our work has notably borne fruit in achieving this goal. No radioactive fallout, a devastated “Blue Beam” project (although the related technology will be reused insofar as it may prove interesting, notably for the advancement of holographic visualisation techniques, such as the 3D imaging projectors that will replace computer screens, for example, but also and above all for the advancement of medical imaging), with a future that looks radiant so long as everyone accepts that we change the system to finally achieve what we all aspire to: happiness, plain and simple. And no, it’s not utopian, it’s the minimum, for everyone and unconditionally, and we intend to make it available to everyone.
Where does our interest lie? Well, it lies in the satisfaction of achieving this goal, actively contributing to this accomplishment, and because living in a pleasant world is more enjoyable than if it were not. Joking aside, we are not in the business of whistleblowing. It would serve no purpose today and in this context. In addition to the development of our strategies and our actions in the field, our mission is to foster the broadest possible international awareness of the necessity, and above all, the concrete possibility, of finally moving on to something different in this world.
A pandemic that spanned several years, involving the highest global health authorities, nevertheless led to a drastic increase in global demographics (we would still be in a state of overpopulation). The plague did not achieve this result.
You furnish the pictures. I'll furnish the war.
William Randolph Hearst, the media magnate and founder of the "New York Journal."
If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed.
Mark Twain
If an interpretation is given regarding a harmful, dangerous, or tragic event, and that interpretation diverges from the universal consensus (that is, from the statements of the press and government representatives), never jump to the conclusion of a conspiracy. Simply think for yourself and seek who truly benefits from the occurrence of this event, knowing that some have the power to make any event happen, anytime, anywhere. There are always interest groups that profit handsomely from it.
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