Child slaves in the 20th century
What is the reality?
The information is disturbing. So disturbing that at first glance, it might appear unbelievable. And yet, this practice, which we vaguely sense but don’t want to believe and therefore to focus on it, is almost as old as the world itself: human exploitation. Here, we will specifically address the exploitation of children, with every country involved as both a supplier and a consumer, directly or indirectly. But let’s start by first defining what we mean by the word « slavery. » The slavery of children is a significant step beyond mere abuse, as it shows a complete disregard for their genuine needs, even the most basic ones.
In the 21st century, the exploitation of children has transformed into a highly lucrative industry, intentionally causing certain traumas as an example to exert long-term control, ultimately turning them into consenting adult slaves. A broken individual is easily manipulable in this context.

These practices know no limits, even going as far as ritual sacrifice. As this reality is difficult to bear, we will concentrate here on:
- The provision of an obedient and extremely low-cost workforce for labour-intensive work in various degrees or perspectives within the domain of labour.
- The very successful business of paedophilia.

The children being used can be subjected to clandestine practices, but also more overt ones, such as in factories (although this manifestation is declining, currently struggling to withstand social pressure). Some countries have been specialising in this matter for a long time, operating in a particularly professional and therefore highly efficient manner, sometimes even in plain view of everyone. All of this is part of their normalcy and is trivialised as such. Asia is at the epicentre of this issue, but criminal practices know no borders. All this has been made possible by the connivance of governments, who have willingly legalised the vice by instituting laws permitting it, in return for tempting remuneration of which they are fond, whether in bribes and/or in nature, as the context lends itself particularly well. Central Africa and South America have nothing to envy Asia, shamelessly exploiting other, so-called niche, sub-markets.
In this way, they meet other needs, which may be rarer, but are more wanted and therefore just as lucrative, if not more so. It’s all highly professional and expertly organised, having been in place for a very long time. They have managed to exploit the highly profitable vein of Western companies that quickly found their financial interest in outsourcing without getting their hands dirty. They have also diversified and made the economic model accessible by opening the market to local or new needs. National or regional authorities, in complete and unconditional complicity, have contributed to covering all those who, tempted by the lure of substantial gain, have ended up fuelling this easy and lucrative trade. The old adage “as long as we win, we play” has proven to be true for decades, and this remained the case until very recently. However, it should be noted that some individuals, working honestly within the framework of these same authorities, were often ignorant of the actions of their higher-ups or, conversely, unable to intervene due to the tremendous pressure placed upon them.

While it may seem undeniably odious to an external Western perspective, especially for the common person, the fact remains that, in general, everyone benefits from it, including and especially Western countries, which always present themselves as being so virtuous. It simply requires to skilfully maintain a thick veil of illusions on the subject. Some might colloquially say that it’s “a thriving business”.
Children, supplied as raw material, are often bought (if not abducted). In the supplier countries, life is generally very hard, from generation to generation, naturally creating acceptance in relation. Not everyone sells their children, but this option is convincing and lucrative enough for people who are manipulated into doing so. Furthermore, regardless of one’s opinion, the quality of life does indeed improve for the families involved.
We were talking earlier about abductions, which have become necessary to ensure adequate supplies, given the high level of demand. Then there’s the abduction of children from amusement parks and shopping malls (hundreds of thousands of mysterious disappearances every year, with governments refusing to admit or explain anything). Some underground hide production farms where people are cut off from the rest of the world for the rest of their lives, conditioned from birth to produce what is expected of them. The destiny of some women is limited to becoming surrogate mothers, allowing them to regulate the perverse impulses of rapists, and the legal non-existence of children thus brought into the world, and therefore not registered in any civil registry whatsoever. Pregnancy is seen as a moment of respite, particularly in terms of living conditions, as the baby produced must be healthy and beautiful for its intended use.
The horror that this represents is unbearable enough to make people look away. To speak of tens of millions of children affected is below the reality.

As of today, all underground facilities have been dismantled, and the individuals involved are undergoing rehabilitation for a return to a dignified life. The situation has improved overall, both underground and on the surface, although the living conditions of child slaves remain a current and sensitive issue. In operational terms, for this last point, specialised, dedicated, and infiltrated teams have turned the situation around, eliminating anything needlessly painful or inhumane. From the outside, nothing seems to have changed, yet everything is significantly different from what first appears in broad daylight. Let’s be clear about this: unfortunately, children continue to be exploited in the world of labour, and this remains painful, and in any case, intolerable. But it’s not the same conditions at all, it’s more bearable for them, even if, let’s repeat, it remains unacceptable in context.
Although the situation is perfectly under control, we need a worldwide change of system to enable this practice to be abolished.
The profitability of the paedophilia business is completely beyond comprehension. For example, the arms trade (legal or otherwise), which is supposed to be the world’s most lucrative business, is a long way behind. As we emphasise once again, in addition to the perverse aspect of the situation, it causes trauma that facilitates « Mind Control ».
It’s a secret and complex market, with its initial sponsors at the top of the so-called ”Deep State”, much of which was largely dismantled thanks to coordinated actions in which we have invested our own human resources. Very few people know for sure who runs the « Deep State », but certain countries like Israel, with branches in the USA and England in particular, are known to be particularly active and specialised in the field of paedophilia. National governments were aware but maintained the illusion to retain power. Like many markets, the paedophile industry was artificially created, as this sexual attraction was not originally part of the natural order of things. The related needs were artificially generated and, among other factors, sustained by a powerful addiction.

We’ve all heard of ordering a child, precisely in the terms of « a 4-year-old blonde French girl », as one would a vegetable at the greengrocer. Today, this market is not what it used to be, having suffered serious setbacks and even irreparable damage.
The first wave of strikes began in 2015. Intensive bombing brought down the various related organisations, depriving them of the essential elements connecting them to its highest governance, making succession difficult, if not impossible. Under these conditions, the system was still able to act, but in a freewheeling, directionless and haphazard way, and therefore ineffectively.
Starting in 2017, the year of Donald Trump’s accession to the presidency as the 45th President of the United States, the second phase was initiated. He discovered the issues surrounding the secret sex market, including paedophilia. He began, with the help of the “Q Force” (as well as the “O Forces”, a secret section added to their ranks) – these dormant agents stemming from the Kennedy era, whose ambition had been, even in his time, to counter the “Deep State” and had led to his assassination – an operation to combat this sprawling organisation by recruiting a new secret ally organisation connected to the “O Forces”, involving millions of people worldwide in strategic areas.
This renewed, still-secret organisation then took on a new name, bringing together several million people around the world, particularly in the Armed Forces, but also in scientific circles, the press, governments – in fact, all the strategic places on the planet. This “network” then allows, in the utmost secrecy, away from the prying ears of the White House, for a second strike with the aim of even more profoundly altering the stability of the system at its very structural foundations. Thanks to a powerful network of secret informants (and the uncommon quality of their intelligence), a high-level strategy has been developed, combining numerous factors. For instance, it was decided to operate simultaneously on a global scale to prevent any attempt of reorganisation while avoiding a premature collapse of the system, destabilising the global child trafficking market, cutting deep into related networks, and influencing public opinion against paedophilia by attempting to create widespread awareness among the public. This effort was relayed in a more than mixed manner by the press and ultimately resulted in Donald Trump’s impeachment for attempting to seize power in an undemocratic manner. The rest is known history.
Nevertheless, the absolute refusal of the people to accept any institutionalisation of paedophilia, cleverly attempted by certain power-holders but disorganised and lacking time to regroup, combined with this second offensive, proved decisive in routing this massive market, which was once deemed impossible to dismantle. Everything is now in place to completely and definitively eradicate this social cancer. People must wake up because their cooperation is essential. To echo the battle cry of the “Q Force” and supporters of Donald Trump: “The Best is Yet To Come!”